Sikh coder's excellent protest sign at March for Science

I find people have a really hard time being positive about negativity.


Well, let’s just back up and ask for evidence that any aircraft’s code is “mathematically proven” to be bug-free. That was the point of my comment.

I’d be very interested if we’ve gotten to the point of mathematically proving correctness of code in places like airlines, but my understanding was that we haven’t.

(Further, “bug-free code” =/= safe handling of airplane, as @Bernel’s story about building incorrect assumptions about the real-world into the design shows. I don’t care if you’ve proved your code is guaranteed to lift the flaps x-amount under y-conditions if you’ve incorrectly modeled what the physical results of that will be, and that modeling is certainly not mathematically provable with our current knowledge.)

Two different things as any fule know. Bug free code is 100% compliant to specification even if the specification is stupid. Behaviour of aircraft (or tanks, which is what I know a bit about) is never 100% known for all conditions. That was why we had two different program sets (in effect; I’m not going into detail): one to work the tank and the other to work the simulator. Unit tests demonstrate compliance to part of a program specification; the simulator creates the real world behaviour but can’t provide anything like 100% coverage. What you do want to know is that when the simulator is creating a given set of excursions, target lock-in is achieved in the specified number of seconds.

But the Sikh guy wasn’t claiming to be an aeronautical engineer, he was claiming to be a writer of software. Let’s not have scope creep here.


“It shouldn’t be doing that!”

“But that’s what you asked for.”

“But that’s not what I meant!”


Cf. the British Empire’s concept of “martial races”.

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not sure if this is what you’re asking but they’re probably referring to people who say “but I’m not a [member of targeted group]” when someone places them with that group, which just shifts the problem onto somebody else by creating a new division, like “good Muslim/bad Muslim”, “good immigrant/bad immigrant”, and doesn’t question why people think being Muslim or brown or an immigrant is so terrible in the first place


lol I’m gonna be using this now to scare people

That’s kind of what I was vaguely getting at. If a person was not already ignorant about Muslims, they would not need it spelled out to them how a Sikh or Hindu differs. And may not be able, willing, or interested to know even when explained to them. The division in their thinking might be based upon an ignorant bias which they feel an incentive to maintain.

I went through this in my employment scenario mentioned above when I was confronted with it. I had to ask them, if they not entitled to discriminate upon that basis, what difference would it make whether or not a person is Muslim? The fact that others regularly get caught in their witch-hunt dragnet suggests that they don’t know much about their supposed target in the first place.

USians need to understand that unless they are practicing Native American religion, they are all “foreign” systems.

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