Silk Road's Ross Ulbricht sentenced to life

The way I heard it is that the feds kept information about the compromised DEA and Treasury agents out of testimony. So the jury only heard that he had tried to hire a hit on someone, but not that there might have been solicitation by the agents, and not that the agents are themselves due to be tried for their part in stealing bitcoins and illegal hacking.

I’m no lawyer, but I would bet that the sentence, if not a large part of the charges ends up being drastically reduced on appeal.

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I agree, monkey. I live in the land of legal weed, and over the past year-plus, I don’t know of anyone who became a pothead because we legalized it.

Perhaps heroin, etc., shouldn’t be legalized–which is to say given a legal structure by which it can be regulated and sold like Coors Light–but I firmly believe that all drugs should be decriminalized, i.e., you don’t go to jail or even court over possessing or using the drug. What decriminalization means for distribution/manufacture is up in the air, but it generally means criminal charges. We could, at least, limit those offenses to misdemeanors.

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The problem with that is it’s still expensive to be an addict, and that most ODs are from lack of quality control.

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Sure, he could still be charged but they’d have to extradite him … and I question if the Canadian government would do that if he’d already served time for the crime up here.

Well. Industrial quality checking would certainly do that. We need to change attitudes, even free needle distributions still run into NIMBY douchebags that attempt to run them out.

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We need cellphone-like (size/price) analytical instruments. Have one or more in every household.

I am putting my hopes on ion mobility spectrometers. These critters can run at atmospheric pressure, without need for vacuum like conventional mass spectrometry, and carrier gas can be filtered air.

So far such things exist but cost is in and above tens of thousands USD. But the internals are simple in principle… The high voltage is low single kilovolts, like with photomultiplier power supplies, gating voltages are within range of off-the-shelf FETs, and the current sensing for the Faraday cup is in the range of tens of picoamps, which while rather low is also within range of some off-the-shelf op-amps.

See an interesting drift tube design e.g. here:

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Scrap the rest of your to-do list.


But Black Dynamite, I sell drugs to the community!

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Maybe Wall Street CEOs aren’t drug lords, but HSBC did knoowingly launder billions for drug cartels and get away with a fine:


I know, right?

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Come now, the disposal infrastructure to get rid of a list that size is a project in and of itself… :slight_smile:


Silk Road took 11% of transactions on average.

Which has no bearing on this case. Don’t vote for corporate politicians if you want to fix the banking problems.

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