Simple comic strip explains the complexities of white privilege

No. I have personally seen all sides of the equation.

ā€¦what about failure to sympathize with the victims of institutionalize racism/classism/sexism reinforced by slumlords and stereotypes.

If I were that would mean . . what? That you canā€™t quite deal with what Iā€™m saying and that youā€™ve descended to name-calling (which was the point of my last post in response to you.) Pretty much I see the word ā€œconcern trollā€ as ā€œI concede the point.ā€ Because you canā€™t paint me into the box that you wish me to be in, you give up. Fine. You forge ahead, tiger. Go find someone stupid to argue with.

Jebusā€¦ As someone who clawed their way through business and literally saw privilege handed to meā€¦ I donā€™t know what to say.

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Apparently I already did that, now Iā€™m stopping.



So . . . what about your brother in Section 8? With all that privilege going for him he must really be a large negative number to be where heā€™s at, right? And that would of course go for all the other white people in similar situations, no. Shit, they are having easy street absolutely handed to them simply because of their complexion and they just f it all up. Beneath contempt, no?

It isnā€™t good. In fact it is, as I said evil.

There are a couple of tracts.

  • regulation and deterrence
  • education
  • incentives

It will take a symphony of work :slight_smile:

Answer there, btw, is no.

Compared to the bridge next to him, yes.

Do you want pictures of the bridge? And the skin tones living under it?

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I am not trying to be a dick. And I probably donā€™t need anymore arguments :smile:

Going through (for my family) section 8, mental services, group homes; plus my own success just really opened my eyes.

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Look: the idea is this: no one makes it on the basis of being white, pure and simple. Nobody. Why? Because there are lots of white people. More white people than there are ā€œmade its.ā€ But there ARE black people who are destroyed or neglected simply because they are black. So what is the important factor here? White privilege, which fails to explain the lives of loads of white people who donā€™t feel theyā€™ve got any? Or the oppression of blacks, which I can assure you vanishingly few black folk would deny as something theyā€™ve experienced? Iā€™m for the latter and I look askance at anyone who doesnā€™t see the plain fact that I see. White privilege is a counter-intuitive concept thatā€™s designed to be such. It is more or less a brickbat for soc teachers to beat their oh so disappointing white suburban students. But, outside of college, soc. teachers donā€™t have the whip in their hand. The way you get white folks who wonā€™t understand to understand is through empathy, not through trying to make them feel guilty.

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Letā€™s continue this in another thread.

Non-argumentatively. Iā€™m identifiable, so I canā€™t go into the details of my own background, but suffice it to say it isnā€™t so very far from yours. What I found enlightening wasnā€™t explaining my relative success, it was explaining the rest of the family, and their courses through life. We grew up with black and hispanic peers as friends, lovers, workmates, etc. and by and large they made out worse than us. But to look at all the people who grew up never doubting for one second that they were going to college, and that daddy could get them a job whether they got through college or not. Thatā€™s privilege, my man. Not getting thrown out of high school, getting drafted during Vietnam, getting out, getting committed, getting arrested and beaten by the cops serving time and then finally working 60 hours a week for years on end at menial jobs to make things work for your family. Thatā€™s not a life of privilege. And to hell with anyone who says it is. Thatā€™s not my life, but Iā€™ve seen that. And to hell with anyone who says how privileged that life is. Because it isnā€™t. Not to say it wouldnā€™t have been nastier & shorter were the person black, but that white person is no more privileged that blacks who arenā€™t aborted are privileged. Itā€™s just an asinine use of the word that we shouldnā€™t even have to talk about anymore.

No, Iā€™m afraid nothing you wrote actually constituted an argument, so even if I were stupid, you havenā€™t actually argued. Sorry!

We just need to have a beer together. We are slicing each other othogananly, when I donā€™t think we need to.


So very trueā€¦in my 10 years in Japan Iā€™ve become much much less sensitive to this stuff.

Nah. Sorry for the sharp. Respect. I see where youā€™re coming from. Though it may not sound it, if we disagree, on my side it is respectfully. I am cutting, maybe, because I actually do care what you think. But, anyhow: peace and an end to the cause of this discussion.


Fixed that for you, buddy.


Oh cry me a river. Let me guess: white guy? Well, I guess you have the privilege of just ignoring this discussion or its implications in your daily lifeā€¦unlike my gay or, for example, Hispanic friends.


There, fixed that for you too.

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