Sometimes, I wish stupidity actually did burn the people afflicted with it.
*chart is not to scale and is for entertainment purposes only
That’s my go-to disclaim for sending “private” photos.
He tripped over them.
Ah, but it so often does. To the extent that it provides individual feedback, it’s karma. It’s the shared results that transition to dread.
Okay, I have been pranking with Devo/olive/pizza jokes for years, but that chart really takes the pie.
Most of the Faux News viewers have trouble with letters and numbers anyhow.
It seems to me that in many cases the Bible is consulted, one isolated and out-of-context verse at a time, rather than actually being “read” like most of the other books pictured. Most Christians I’ve met have an “Illustrated Stories from the Bible for Children” concept of what is written there.
More chartjunk:
what are they doing with the x axis?
Nothing that makes sense.
Isn’t the location of the x-axis the only problem in the chart?
Yeah, well
As one who is Color Deficient I really do not like charts that use Red and Green to denote things. Especially heat maps. Yep, I can see that there are variations, but I am not going to waste my time trying to tell if this blob is a green blob or a red blob.
Oooh, good answer.
Can I instead call them out for stating there are 415mg in a 20oz Starbucks coffee, when the link they provide actually says 475?
If they enjoy drinking their coffee up at the boiling-point end of things, while I certainly won’t question their calculation under that assumption, I certainly do question their taste!
(‘Burned’ overheated coffee? Non merci!)
I’d also question the functioning of the nerve endings in one’s mouth, but I gather that’s more the cumulative ‘Starbucks effect’.
I’m mildly colorblind myself, and don’t understand why whenever there are two colors in a chart, they’re always red and green. Explaining that red and green (or purple and blue) look alike to me but I can still see gradations in color saturation is a lot more work than it should be, even though that is the definition of colorblindness.
Using molar mass I got Coffee as 99.3% caffeine free for typical tap water.