Graphing the statistical correlations between fucking around and finding out

Originally published at: Graphing the statistical correlations between fucking around and finding out | Boing Boing


A perfectly linear relationship passing through the origin seems like a very optimistic fuck around/find out model.


Without the error bars, it is difficult to determine if this is a curve of best fit or a curve of p-fit.


I think we need to moved to Bayes Theory here :wink:

P(FindingOut | FuckedAround) = …


A qualitative analysis conducted on a population consisting exclusively of the researcher as the audience largely correlates with the quantitative findings, however, it does not support the linear relationship as presented. In many cases, this researcher found out far more about things the researcher never wanted to fuck around with. For example, fascism, racism, misogyny, and other affordances of negative human behaviors witnessed since the emergence of the MAGA movement in the United States political process. Nevertheless, if one views this correlation as societal rather than individual, the data does appear to support the linear relationship. As a society, one could reasonably conclude that we fucked around with fascism and we found an embedded neo-Natzi element deeply embedded in contemporary White, rural, lower socio-economic American identity. Analysis of the qualitative data supports the need for further research should focus on the differentiation of the fuck around and find out phenomia based on an individual vs societal perspective.


This is not a linear relationship despite his graph.

I fuck around all the time and don’t learn anything. However, there are times that I fuck around WITH the intent to learn something, and that graph line is logarithmic, and indeed, in those cases my fuck around time is very short and my “find out” level is very high.

More science is needed here…


But is it an invertible function? find_out → fuck_around ?

somehow doesn’t seem to be likely Bijective.

while asserted as a linear function, it’s not clear that various sorts of fuck_around mightn’t lead to the same sorts of find(ing)_out. ah well, perhaps some simulated runs will elucidate.


Further data do not support the hypothesis that Finding Out would be a positive experience (y > 0)

y = –x²


some would ask, how else am i gonna find out? to that i would say, YOU DO NOT WANT TO FIND OUT.


I would say your rate of return on “find out” depends on what you are fucking around with, regardless of intent. Compare grafting trees (maybe 100:1) with lichtenberg figuring (1:1000?), for example.

I cannot put my finger on it right now, but somewhere I have a graph that shows the more Math I see, the less of a straight face I am able to keep.


fooled around fell in love


Without the error bars, it is difficult to determine if this is a curve of best fit or a curve of p-fit.

I would suspect this is more of a curve of f-fit. It seems blatantly clear that is the case.


How to say, “Fuck around and find out” but with some class?

“You may test that assumption at your convenience”.

(freely stolen from a meme, which I would have included instead, but I can neither post media nor links)


Your fucking around on the internet might result in finding out with less of an effort, but I bet you dollars to donuts that when you are fucked WITH on the internet by scams and Qanon’s and Icke’s, your fucking around on the internet results in a lot less found out.

Welcome to BoingBoing!


I feel like it’s not a straight line. Lots of people fuck around to a certain point and never find out. But there might be a “tipping point” where if you fuck around over a certain amount you find out a whole lot, then you can’t fuck around hardly at all without finding out exponentially more.


Not funny. Where’s the zinger or pun?

I guess some people just find vulgarity funny at face value.

I know explaining a joke kills it but I think it’s just a phrase that a lot of us feel lately and is in common usage… in relation to politics or whatever… and then to see a slightly vulgar thing (I don’t even think the concept is vulgar, just the fact that it’s a literal F word and I’m not that sensitive) being explained in a dry mathematical way is kinda funny. That’s all it is. It’s not a ROLF it’s more of a haha.


Finding out what is funny requires a certain amount of fucking around. As it should be according to sciencey graphs. I don’t make the rules.