Social scientists have warned Zuck all along that the Facebook theory of interaction would make people angry and miserable

Yeah there was Connections 2 and Connections 3 series.


Unfortunately, his Kickstarter for a Connections app didn’t succeed.


I believe that pretending precedes Facebook, and even the Internet.


Not really. Your original sentence was simply nonsensical. I could have used “cuddling kittens” or “painting chalk” as a substitute, but I simply didn’t think it possible not to get the point.

If a tool is “mostly misused”, it’s a bad tool and should be studied to give people better options. That an obviously superior being like yourself used it correctly is of anecdotal interest, but nothing more.

It’s really swell that you keep your distance and do the actual fun. Some of use are a bit more concerned about the short and long term detrimental effects FaceBook may have on society and and our fellow human beings.


I always wanted to do a WackyCiv game with weird interconnections in the civilization advances, and have a little animated James Burke to explain each one.

“You have perfected the curling iron, which gives your machine guns a large boost on the battlefield.”


This. Exactly this. When I was a college freshman I thought that BEING 100% HONEST WITH EVERYBODY ALL OF THE TIME was, like, a major ethical insight on my part. I also thought that politeness was LIES. Then I grew the fuck up.


Speak for yourself, bud; personally, I come here because of the enjoyable conversations I have with people that I like.

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Let’s see how it goes after the 25 May…

“Facebooks don’t kill people, people do.”

And yet again I’m wondering how mature implementations of Diaspora are nowadays. And then I remember that the last time I mentioned it here, I’ve been pointed to something I forgot to look into ever since, and can’t remember now.

Granted, something like Diaspora doesn’t bring all the perks of forums (people gathering around a specific center of interest and finding further affinities through side interests, possibly leading to actual friendships between people who’d have never met otherwise), but forums are still around, if a bit vampirized by social networks.

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There’s also a cool plugin called FBP or F.B. Purity that acts like adblocker for facebook - try it out

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Probably they grok that. It is just that they are not interested in that segment of the population. I suspect that, for most web sites, FB users bring considerably more revenue than the rest. They are also seen as easier to control in case they misbehave, because their indentity is supposedly known. Basically non FB users are seen as less money and more work, so they are left out. I expect that trend to increase.

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There is a quote from La Rochefoucauld. I am going by memory and I heard it in French, but the gist is: “If everyone said exactly what they think at all times, no one would have a friend left in the world.”


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