Many of us have asked for this in the past.
In fact there’s entire threads on this:
I can’t seem to find any trace of a post I made a while ago. I can only assume it was Eaten. (I won’t go into details, except I asked “Have we moved past this now?” Clearly the answer is “No, we have not.”)
Maintaining the sanctity of the echo chamber is all fine and dandy and quite understandable, but shouldn’t there be notifications for this sort of thing?
I feel a bit awkward writing this but I want this to be known because it could be something administrative or it could just be a Discourse bug.
Over the past month or so, at least twothree posts I’ve made to various threads have been deleted and to be very clear, it wasn’t me that initiated the delete. I don’t think the posts I made were particularly offensive and certainly didn’t breach the code of conduct (as far as I know at least) but nevertheless they vanished without a trace.
For instanc…
And others, too.
I have nothing against posts getting deleted but it would be great to see something filling in the gap even if it’s an inline box saying something like “X posts removed for reasons: spam, driving trollies, etc.”