Sole and Despotic Dominion: my story about the future of private property for Reason

Yeah but isn’t a drawback the greater amount of water you end up using?


Everyone knows not to buy smart plates (or dishwashers)

While cracking the DRM on plates is trivial, you still need to solder the sensors in the dishwasher (and worse case, your smart china cabinet) to be able to use them without being reported to the appropriate authorities.


Besides that, they do tend to draw votes away from the GOP in some close races.

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Reason has always been far more strongly anti-war and against abuse of police power and mass incarceration from the drug war than the Dems.


Ah, but health departments in most cities apply a sin-tax to non-smart dishes. They say it’s to recoup the societal cost of poor hygiene. (Disher wrote the legislation for them.)


Yes and no. Balko is genuinely decent on the topic, but Reason, like most of the libertarian right, is oddly blind to the racial aspect of police violence and see the 2nd amendment as the best, if not only, cure for it.

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Good one! In the style of Richard Stallman’s “The Right to Read”, but even more depressing (and realistic).

Deserves a better outlet than the Randian Koch brother vehicle, but then …

If you’re talking about the Dem Third Way leadership and establishment I agree. But it’s a stretch if you’re talking about rank-and-file Dems or the Sanders wing of the party.

Reason exists to sell a different and more thoughtful market segment the same Libertarian message sold to the rubes: “government is never the solution, only the problem; the free market will sort everything out.” A stance against police militarisation or imperialist military adventures can live in a plausibly (if naively) consistent way within that message, but the message remains uncompromisingly the same.

The Kochs wouldn’t continue to fund Reason if this wasn’t the case, and wouldn’t have to hire intellectually dishonest editors like Nick Gillespie to make sure the editorial content doesn’t deviate too far from that party line.


How much blood has been shed over the years in the ongoing wars of how to load a dishwasher properly? How much would we be willing to surrender to achieve peace in our time?

See also .


Well that will make you think twice about buying that $19 dishwasher with free shipping and a built in amazon dash button.

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I like the Disher stories (the Specklessverse?) and they’re a clever way of crystallizing everything we fear and hate about the modern economy.

That said, if we ever do get Disher®-brand Foodables™, you’ll be able to license them from the BoingBoing Shop.





The enemy of my enemy is useful.

Yeah, that’s what the GOP initially thought about the Tea Party. And what the US originally thought about the Mujahideen when they were fighting the Russians.

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Speaking of which…


Not really, since we are family of three and wash dishes after every meal, the dishwasher would run almost empty so I guess we actually save water. Also tap water is heated by gas which is quite more efficient than electricity.
Additional factors: embedded water consumption in making the dishwasher and the salt you need to put inside and most important we don’t have the space in the kitchen.

On balance quite positive. Here’s my favorite reply.

In the sequel you learn:

Disher went out of business in 2026 - shortly before it could go IPO, but after VC firms had dumped $100 million into it when irate customers abandoned it.

At the urging of manufacturers (to insure safe eating) laws were passed in the EU in 2028 and later in the USMCA that required traceable dishware cleansing. (Including government approved non-disposable straws.) Only government approved dishwashers could meet the tracing requirement. In 2029 the new firm iSudsy succeeded where Disher failed.

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That is patently untrue. Reason routinely points out the racial disparity in policing, especially the drug war. They also push Pinker’s theory of why the violence wave crested which has nothing to do with gun ownership.


Thanks for stating the factual case here. Reason is almost always on the correct side of freedoms, economics and civil liberties.
They resist the urge to mire themselves into apocalyptic hand-wringing, while calling out the current idiot in the White House, and avoided supplicating endlessly at the feet of the last administration, while it ramped up drone kills and spying. So it’s confusing but typical that they get tarred as some Koch-topussian (?) faction.


Anyone not mouthing the current Truths is the Enemy.

Oh, you should hear Siri squabble when you put the Android Shake-n-Bake next to the Linux Tater Tots. But I hear you can teach your iHammer a gesture that will calm her down.