Special camera shows cloud of micro droplets spewing out of people when they "talk loudly"

Update on this - I tried out a bandana this morning before heading out to ride, but couldn’t get enough air through it. I packed it/had it with me, but didn’t actually use it while riding.

Most people I saw out and about who were doing strenuous exercise seemed to agree with that and weren’t masking. The cyclists who did wear them were just puttering along, not really moving at speed.

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For exhalation, which is undesirable in the current environment, bike pollution masks work really well. Inhaling is harder, and you run out of puff at high exertion - but it makes your … er … “breathing” muscles work harder, which pays dividends later. I also theorise that the creation of a relatively de-oxygenated state pushes you a bit like altitude training.

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