Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/08/17/square-gets-into-the-loan-shar.html
A direct result of Trump rolling back those payday loan rules. Once again allowing capitalists to profit of the poor and desperate.
Loan sharking bastards.
I still can’t tell if this is an ad, or an article warning you to avoid the thing.
I must have missed an announcement somewhere. I usury no longer a thing?
Some day soon every company will be a payday loan type of operation. Going to your local bakery to pick up a loaf and 150 bucks will be so convenient! You’re going back there in a week anyway, just be sure to bring the other bread with you…or else!
Square gets into the loan sharking business
So, the maximum loan amount of $200.00 will cost you a flat 5% fee ($10) if you repay the loan within the four-week term. After a one-week grace period, they tack on another 1.25% ($2.50) every week.
And the minimum $20.00 loan will cost you a $1.00 flat fee for four weeks if repaid on time. Otherwise, add an additional 25 cents per week after the grace period.
You’ve never actually met a real loan shark, have you?
Making the numbers smaller doesn’t make it less than a 65% annual rate, it makes you mocking the poor for being too poor.
Yes, I have.
Next question.
Square already has a nice business, but some tech companies just can’t resist getting in on that good old American f*ckbarrel action that squeezes every last dime out of poor people.
Square: “We let you keep your kneecaps.”
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