Starbucks is closing 150 stores

Who is this man and why is he so angry?

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Alan Rickman (RIP); and his meme encapsulates the rage and frustration that many people feel whenever they hear something else utterly horrific in the news.


“We must move faster to address the more rapidly changing preferences and needs of our customers.”

They could start with selling me just a simple cup of decent coffee.
Without all the Mickey Mouse bullshit.


Don’t worry. Those shareholders are going to be just fine.

My sis-in-law is a district manager, and another on that side used to be a big honcho at Anheuser Busch. I see how they live.

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There’s a Safeway here in Spokane with a Starbucks inside it, and a second stand-alone Starbucks on the corner in the same parking lot.


I’ve seen the literal “Starbucks across the street from a Starbucks” too. It’s dumb as hell


Starbucks is closing 150 stores

To be fair, those 150 Starbucks are all inside the same Target.


What they don’t tell you is that they’re all on the same block!


So are they trying to maintain a 50’ separation from each store. Mmmm that would actually eliminate about 10,000 stores.

Not that it matters to me much. I pass four Starbucks on my way to Tim Hortons every morning.

Hmmm… from another story…

The closing stores are often in “major metro areas where increases in wage and occupancy and other regulatory requirements” are making them unprofitable, Johnson said. “Now, in a lot of ways, it’s middle America and the South that presents an opportunity.”

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I have a somewhat generous definition of walking distance. (still, I can regularly walk to abut six of them)


Or to ask for a macchiato and not only be asked what size, but then served something that’s mostly milk.

Similar situation where I live. I visit the local SB exclusively to meet strangers for Craigslist transactions if I’m selling something that plugs in for power, because all the independent places have eradicated power outlets to stop people camping out all day with their laptops.


I usually get a short cappucino which is passable.
I have a love hate relationship with them. Yeah they have over commodified/corportatized espresso but they are why we can have everything from espresso huts to nice indie coffee houses available everywhere as well. It used to be diner coffee everywhere and espresso was only at fancy Italian places.



Same here; 2 of them are a 3 minute walk from my place, and that’s because I have to wait for the lights to change at the intersections.
Edit: There’s another one opening halfway down the block from the closest Starbucks to me this Fall inside a new Indigo Books on Robson St.

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This could be good or bad. Now some people will have to walk across the street to the other Starbucks, and crossing the street is dangerous. But for those that have another Starbucks on the same block, walking around the block will be safer and a good way to get healthy exercise.

Move faster, eh? I get it, they’re going to have roving Starbucks coffee trucks so they can drive around selling coffee to the people who are walking to a Starbucks. Or maybe their making an app so you can get your coffee delivered by drone.

Even at a diner or something I always specify ‘plain black coffee’ so I won’t end up with milk or sugar or cheese or Tide pods or whatever fad thing people are putting in their coffee these days. Even Starbucks seems to understand that.

In some areas, ‘coffee regular’ is the most common phrase but it actually doesn’t mean what it says! It means regular coffee with some specific combination of extra stuff added in. Of course, it’s likely to mean something quite different elsewhere, so it’s better to be specific.


But, but…this guy doesn’t look at all like Professor Snape! [actually, I kinda thought it was from Network. guess not]

Hum. They spelled Centerville wrong.

A real nice place to raise your kids up
It’s really neat!

And liquor stores

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I remember that Tulsa had at least one coffee house … in the '60s! Espresso!! Coffee with lemon!!! I was sorely disappointed that Dallas had none when we moved there in 1970. Big city my ass.

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This, exactly. Also Starbucks is like…okay coffee. Pretty consistently mediocre, but better than many drive-thru espresso stands/etc that I’ve gone to (there’s a place called Gourmet Espresso or something nearby and it’s utterly undrinkable), and I live in the northwest where we love coffee so much it ruins the local sea life.

You know what’s a super weird gap in the Seattle coffee market though? Late night / early morning espresso. There’s almost no 24 hour espresso places in Seattle proper. Have to drive up to northgate (and go to a Starbucks)


This is like walking into a Subway and saying ‘Sandwich’ and being upset when the guy behind the counter is confused.