Such things require lots of money. That’s what makes this increasingly difficult for people to be expected to “pull themselves up by their own bootstraps” and other republicanesque logic that should be tossed into the dustbin of history. We’re approaching historic levels of income inequality that flip society into groups of people who have everything and people who have nothing i.e. the aforementioned genetic lottery. A college degree is what a high school degree used to be when my parents were growing up in the 1960’s, the minimum wage was almost double what it is today in 1968, and college was affordable. College has increased more than 5000% since my parents, uncles, family members, etc went to school but, it is expected for most jobs that pay more than the minimum wage i.e. having a college degree. While we’re approaching this precipice, this cliff of income inequality, this sort of wealth division is unprecedented and unlike anything we’ve seen in history. What this means is that people who are the same age as their parents were in that time in history are not buying houses, having children, etc but, instead waiting years, sometimes decades later. This is dramatically reshaping our economy, political system, etc. It draws into question what it means to be an American and if the American Dream is truly dead when people like Trump instead of raising the standard of living of average americans, the party of fiscal responsibility bullshit, finds it in themselves to add 1 trillion dollars to the deficit to help the top 1% continue to rig society in favor of themselves and their children. This continued ire of dark money, special interests, wealth division, and hyperpartisanship is a witches brew of what the founders of our country called the most dangerous combination, I hope never happens.
“There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution” John Adams