Study: anti-depressants could lead to antibiotic-resistant bacteria

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Don’t worry. Be happy! Now worry.


I’ve been saying this for years, with out any actual scientific data to back it up though.

It could also lead to depression-resistant bacteria, which I suppose hurts us too.

If I have to get an infection, I want it to be from some strain of bacteria that thinks it’s worthless and doesn’t deserve to be in my body, and self-sabotages its own attempts to make me sick.


I like ALL the drugs (well, but meth).
Anti-depressants can bite me!
I understand that they work for some, that’s great.
But me, they can bite!

Plague it is, then.

ETA: but with all those happy pills, who cares!


Not entirely surprising from an industry that has taken such an irresponsible approach to prescription medication.

That said, with the way things have been going in the world today, we might not need to worry about it: rapidly changing weather patterns, elected lunatics with access to nuclear weapons, and civil unrest have just as good a chance as microbes of doing us all in.

I suppose you could attach that to the end of every news story that is not global warming or Trump-related. For example:

The Eagles’ greatest hits album has moonwalked past Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” to become history’s best-selling album of all-time in the U.S. That said, with the way things have been going in the world today, we might not need to worry about it: rapidly changing weather patterns, elected lunatics with access to nuclear weapons, and civil unrest have just as good a chance as microbes of doing us all in.

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