Study finds that intermittent fasting is not effective for weight loss

I guess I was doing something like that – 8 months ago I was 190 lbs., then about a month ago I was 172.5. Although today I’m 5 pounds more than that. But I went down a shirt size and can fit into my old jeans.

There are a lot of variables, though – no meat or dairy a lot (maybe most) of the time; I don’t buy a lunch, because I’m not at work anymore; I started doing calisthenics* (every other day) in February; for a while I was getting 12,000 steps (sometimes a lot more) walking every day. In the past month or two, I’ve gone back to eating breakfast, and I’m not going on very long walks as often as I was – hence the five pound increase, I guess. Also the boxes of Reese’s Puffs (that I ostensibly bought for the kids) sitting on the shelf are too great a temptation to ignore.

OTOH maybe the calisthenics led to an increase in muscle mass, and that’s where the 5 pounds came from. Yes, that’s got to be it – surely it’s due to an increase in muscle mass.

I can’t not snack, or else I get a case of the stupids but I should probably go back to the peanuts & almonds (more calories/fat than the cereal but presumably more filling).

*FYI / FWIW that Gorilla App that was on BoingBoing a few years ago is apparently finito. Someone on Reddit made an asskicker of an exercise app, but it’s at least 45 minutes to get through the workout and that’s with me skipping part of it. I’ve been doing 12-15 minutes on the days that I do exercise.