Supersonic jet takes off not with a bang but a whimper

Japan has the right idea for this type of nasal protruberance:


They’ve already conceded that Boom will still be too noisy for transcontinental flights, so it will only go supersonic over the ocean.

Given the limitations of mid 1960s technology, Concorde’s designers did a better job 60 years ago.


Three Tu-144s? I raise you four flying Concordes:


I fold.


maybe just to Key West.


Inka Dinka Doo! Ha-cha-cha-cha-cha!


Waves from MD, which has the added bonus of more recklessness (having driven in both places)

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I don’t get the headline. What about it ties to “whimper”, except that it didn’t go supersonic on its first flight, which would be crazy to try.

It is quite likely they’ll go bust before producing a production plane, but I fail to get all the hostility in the comments here. It’ll either find a market, or it won’t. It’ll be quiet enough, or it won’t.

It won’t ever be made in enough numbers to make a notable environmental difference.

Was just chatting with a gentleman at dinner who happened to be a NASA engineer working on a similar, though possibly related, project called the X-59 QueSST. Said the goal is to reduce the sonic boom to a thump to make supersonic flight over land feasible.

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