Sympathy for the Devil

You know what I do for kicks? I search out forums where I hate the commenters and then insert myself in the conversations so that I can insult the people there. This is how one wins friends, I am sure! Totes! Logic!



So on target. I have been there.


“… hotdogs… apples… peanut butter…”

Lo, thou hast seen and righteously feared the potentially divisive and dreadful course of this discussion, and hast wisely veered thyself down the path of moderation and humorous beguilement. I smileiiitttthhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.


You mention the anti-LGBT policies of Russia and Uganda–policies which have been supported by US organizations.

As much as I disagree with them, as strongly as I feel about LGBT rights, well, I don’t know if “sympathy” is the right word but a desire to understand what motivates them. Brian Brown, of the National Organization For Marriage, for instance, said in a debate with Dan Savage, “Just because you believe something is wrong, it doesn’t mean that you make it illegal.” And yet his arguments then against same-sex marriage, and for reversing the Obergefell decision now, are so devoid of facts that they amount to “I don’t like it”.

Most of the country has moved on as far as the issue of same-sex marriage goes–far too many have moved on to attacking transgender people, but still I want to know, why?

For some I know it was just inertia–the “we’ve always done it this way” argument, but a lot of people saw, and still see, LGBT rights as a personal threat. I feel sad that these people are so committed to making the lives of others miserable for reasons that, in some cases, even they can’t explain.


Sorry for being unclear, I guess I was just relying on not being taken for an idiot. I’m saying it shits me when actual child molesters are called paedophiles.

The two are conflated a great deal (hell, amongst the criminally stupid, gay folks are lumped in too), which leads to general paranoia, which has stupid, ugly, and dangerous consequences for society.

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I think that this is a confluence of multiple issues.

The first is that for worse many Christians personally believe that secularism is bad and that it is their job to ensure this is a Christian* nation / engage in dominionism. See arguments pro-lifers make about how it is a sin for them to allow other women access to an abortion, they are complicit in sin whether or not they personally get an abortion.

The second is that the GOP decided to form a coalition of Christians with their Southern Strategy, which was so successful that the GOP became the party of “family values”.

The third is that the different Christian sects that make up the GOP disagree with each other vehemently. I found this neat poll on the political leanings of various religious demographics:

It can be inferred that the top two constituents are Mormons and Evangelists, which I understand really do not like each other.

So you have a coalition that will get you where you want and it’s made of many people that don’t like eachother on a lot of issues. So you need a way to keep the party unified, and the easiest way is a common enemy, and the LGBT just happen to be a nice misunderstood “other” they can safely throw under the bus.


Thanks for the clarification. That makes a lot more sense.

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