Taking one cent, ever, from the NRA should disqualify you from ever running for office as a Democrat


I disagree. I say one cent is fine. Do you have any idea how much corruption costs these days? Why, a penny wouldn’t buy most congress members for a millisecond!


“Senator, you’ve taken money from the Unified Collective of Artificial Intelligences which has a part of its platform ‘destroy all humans’”

“Oh, that’s just rhetoric to play to the base. In reality, they will probably just destroy most humans.”


You know, with what’s happening concerning students taking the lead on gun control, it sure seems like 1968 - 69 again… (signed - an old hippie)


Are you referring to Bernie Sanders mixed record on gun control?

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He’s from a rural state, and secondly arming the proletariat is a good thing.

If you’re going to imply Sanders is not an acceptable candidate, you should not complain about neolibs like Clinton since there will be literally no progressives who meet your impossible to meet standards


Purity tests and purges are always a good idea, and never have unintended consequences. So yeah, bring it on, comrade!


I really don’t care who politicians get money from, it’s when their voting directly correlates to those donations, especially when the majority of their constituents disagree, that I get concerned. Multiple large donations over multiple elections cycles can be a bit of a red flag. Not all Republicans are conservative and gun-loving, not all Democrats are liberal and gun-hating.


Prove it.

Silly Because both parties are on the take.
If we insist on electing corporation ok’d political parties were never going to change anything …but hey it’s common knowledge that we can only vote for a Democrat or Republican. Anyone wondering where that common knowledge started?

And this:


Last I checked, ChristinePAC (as in O’Donnell) would allow a user to enter a 1-cent donation. I am unsure whether it would actually process such a donation; I didn’t try any further than that. But (as I suggested earlier) if it takes buck or two to process a donation, what good (if any) would a 1-cent donation do them? In fact, it seems ripe for abuse!

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It puts your name on the mailing list, forever.


Also from the article - Van Drew also opposed legalising gay marriage, wants further restrictions on access to abortion and opposes sanctuary cities - if this is the opposition the Democrats want to offer to Trump?


I’m referring specifically to Bernie Sanders having taken much more than one cent from the NRA ever, but the Bernie Sanders tag on Boing Boing being a host of laudatory posts about Sanders, almost exclusively written by @doctorow.

I assume this is why @doctorow said you can’t run as a Democrat if you ever took money from the NRA. It lets him support Sanders without having to explain why Sanders taking NRA money is acceptable to him. But then @doctorow being a disingenuous hack about US politics is nothing new.

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i feel the exact same way about burning man.

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I figured as much - though it would certainly cost them more than that penny they’d get. They might make it up by renting/selling mailing data to others, but according to the FEC, ChrisinePAC isn’t bringing in any money lately.

(Already I can’t figure out how I got on the fundraising mailing list for Joe Arpaio’s legal defense. I don’t know why they’d bother with any addresses on this Zip code; given local demographics it’s probably one of the least sympathetic toward him. Same for Judicial Watch.)

“Zero tolerance” rules are always bad. I cannot support such a rule under any circumstances whatsoever.


That actually seems super clever. Find an opposition PAC, and pepper them with microtransactions in order to bankrupt them.

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No elected representatives should take money from anyone.

Jesus Christ.