Thanks to streaming, recording industry revenues are back up to pre-internet levels, but musicians are poorer than ever

satire, meet farce :grinning:

(I wasn’t being serious)

Ooooooh nice. Will be finding out more about them. Thanks for this.

Still a fan of Brownout (their percussion and brass sections just tear. it. up.):

and Grupo Fantasma (some members of Brownout play in Grupo):

(turn it up, y’all! and if you can, go see these guys live–amazing–and buy their stuff!)

It’s why I tend not to buy my music from labels. I prefer Bandcamp and other services where most of the money goes to the artist directly. I don’t know why people prefer streaming but I guess it’s a generational thing. When I think of streaming I think of Shoutcast and not Apple Music.


Cilantro Boombox is damn great, it’s like jazz/latin fusion in the best of ways, and i think the guitarist also plays with Superfonicos who are another austin band. They play Cumbia, which is normally not my jam but they’re good.

And thanks for the recommendations. Will check them out

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On a very minor tangent @j9c if you’re into latin music you should check out one of the most well known Venezuelan bands Los Amigos Invisibles. They play in Austin somewhat regularly, that’s where i first saw Cilantro Boombox.

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I know them! Found out about them in 2010 when they played KUT (before it split into KUTX and KUT[News]). They are fab. And funky!

(This was before KUT moved into their new slicked up building, and the whole place had a very homemade, DIY feel.)

Thank you! Time to kick out the jams while I do chores. Yay!

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I don’t really stream either. I use Tune-in to listen to podcasts and NPR on my phone, but that’s about it. It’s really very similar to radio, though, in that it’s a place for people to hear about new music, and shouldn’t be the end of the chain, I think. But then again, there has always been a split between music geeks and the casual listener. I still prefer hard copies of music (primarily CDs, but some vinyl) and I have very few pieces of music that are just digital in format. I guess downloads are cheaper, and so the artist tends to get less?

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