The best thing to do is nothing

Stand your ground.


Please stay! You’ve made such riveting, well reasoned, factually supported and varied argum…

Woah, sorry. I nodded off there for a moment. :unamused:


Okay, folks, this is a espirament.

The non-violent are guilty by association.

Those who do nothing rape children in absentia.


There it is, ten posts into the discussion. As I said, non-violent is wishful thinking.

In two, a head in the sand is a head in a sandwich.


Negative. You are trying to convince others to see things your way. The brick through the window is counter productive. That’s what people see, not your sign. When collect en masse, you attract the brick thrower. Then, that is what people see.

A vomit can be yellow, advertising should avoid, see no yellow, wait, sell yellow.


And you keep ignoring that the protest was violent.

By all means, continue. I’m just telling you, your message won’t get out with the violence and you can’t even keep the violence out of this thread. You got one person saying the violence is fine. How in the world are you going to keep it out of a large group? You can’t. Then your message is gone.

The road is long, the dirt here is fine. Gritty, maybe, and it glows.


We’ll see who’s intellectually dishonest. Are you promising that no future protests will turn violent?

We’ll see what the future brings as those you oppose hope you keep having protests. Whether you choose to believe it or not, those broken windows, looted stores, beaten people and fires speak much louder than you think they do, and not in your favor.

The drain is clogged, the weight of the water will no longer land below the woolly slime. No plumbers exist except the one shedding skin and hair.


I have declared no such thing. You’ve given me one non-violent protest, and I’m sure there are more, but whether you choose to recognize it or not they are undermined by the violent protests. And as long as there are protests, there will be violence. Or are you promising that no future protest will turn violent?

An atomic snowcloud sinks, becomes a brick, perhaps four bricks, and the bounteous land turns black.


Do nothing? Fuck that noise.

Doing nothing is siding with the way things are, period. I am not happy with the way things are.

If the elderly want to conflate that all protestors are burning things, then that’s their lazy logic, not my problem. My problem is that they’re okay with the status quo because their taxes get lower while people lose rights.


It won’t be worth trying if it turns out violent. It will set you back.

Before time began, time had ended. It was so declared by the feathered tyrannasaur, handbills posted against the sky.


Ah, ad hominem. Nice.

No, I’m not using one protest. There have been many violent protests. Many.

I’m not saying all future protests will be violent. I’m saying future protests will be violent. Some will, some won’t. The violent ones will hurt your message more than the non-violent ones will help.

There are other ways to speak your mind. It’s not worth the risk of violence to do so in a protest environment. It’s risk vs reward.

“I’m not saying the Patriots might cheat,” Val said, “They will cheat. They always do. But at least it’s not me they’re cheating on.”


I’m a little slow on the uptake so I was more than halfway through the thread before I realized it was a meta-comment on what day it is.


You’re operating under the assumption that non-violent protest is the goal. Plenty of people are okay with the violence and actually want it to occur.

Yes. certainly nothing that a white supremacist agitator has ever done has “attracted violence” in the way the you accuse the-concept-of-popular-protests of doing. Are you concern driving trollies or just driving trollies? I can’t quite tell. Picking a lane might help, although, despite the fact that you seem to have a firm grasp on “our” goals, yours are…murkier.

We’re all well aware that there are people predisposed to fear popular protests, who don’t understand their goals, or even actively oppose them. Some because they oppose or fear the cause. Others simply because they hate and fear the “impoliteness” of it all. We also understand that some small number of them may be “tolerating” the protest until such a time as someone crosses a line. Agent provocateurs also understand this, otherwise there would be no occupation for them. These are not the people we are interested in. They are not interested in, or able to be converted. If they think a few broken windows are worse than the oppression that the protests were organized to root out, they are pretty much a lost cause.

Protests are a visible show of solidarity. This is absolutely critical when people are being isolated by being told that their ideas are too radical, or strange, or too progressive. Protests are about making noise about and drawing attention to something horrible that the perpetrators want everyone to assume is normal and natural. A protest is not a debate meant to coax a skeptical doubter to rethink their position.

You’re not bringing anything new to the table by “teaching” us about optics. Your comments are condescending, repetitive and unhelpful. Try to think of a better way to "get your ideas out there :wink: "


this is true if you are God. If you are God you can say this.

You are not (your opinion notwithstanding), therefore:

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Do you really think that diatribe has anything to do with ‘us’?



Do you know what I remember most from history class with respect to the Civil Rights movement? Police brutalizing peaceful protesters with fire hoses, batons, and dogs. Dr. King’s commitment and leadership to keep the movement non-violent in the face of a violent adversary was an astounding achievement.


It’s not worth it for you to protest, thats okay. Don’t go. Your issues with protest are solved.

that will cost you a nickel.


There is nothing wrong with Salty characters in the movement.