The Big Bang is going down

She’s at Harvard. Subscribe to her newsletter (it’s not as good as her posts here were, mind):

The Fellowship of Three Things is a weekly newsletter that brings you cool stuff you won’t find anywhere else on the Internet. No viral content you’ve seen 15 times already. No giant pile of links to stories you won’t read. Instead, the Fellowship is an invitation; a chance for to join science journalist Maggie Koerth-Baker as she spends 2014-2015 as a Nieman-Berkman Fellow at Harvard University.

For nine months, Maggie will go to classes at Harvard and MIT, attend lectures, visit museums and archives, and meet fascinating people. Each week, she’ll bring you three really awesome things from that experience. It might be a photograph and information about a museum object; a video of a laboratory tour; a short interview with a ground-breaking scholar; or a fact that will give you something new to think about. Whatever Maggie turns up each week, if you’re in the Fellowship, you’ll see it. If you aren’t, you’ll miss out. Maggie won’t be writing or posting anywhere else those nine months.

At least those 9 months will be up soon and hopefully she’ll come back.