I’m fond of the idea; but have never reached an internally satisfactory solution to the fact that surveillance is just the first step in the exercise of power.
Sometimes(when the target may not have a well developed conscience; but still has a sense of shame, or at least a bunch of supporters who only support their public persona, rather than them, Right Or Wrong!) it is all you need.
Other times, not so much. A good surveillance apparatus draws much of its punch from the fact that, even if application of the power is relatively rare and somewhat idiosyncratic, your nagging fear that the results of the surveillance can, and may, be used to crush you is only just unreasonable enough that it makes you sound paranoid, but not unreasonable enough that it doesn’t reflect reality.
Sousveillance has a problem in this area. It certainly beats nothing at all (since it’s not as though, say, the assorted on-camera police kills would have received more justice had they been reported as ‘resisted arrest, our brave troops did what they had to do to ensure public safety’); but sometimes not by much.
Pure information only works in the narrow spectrum of wrongdoing where the malefactor must resort to subterfuge because he lacks the power to make legal, or the support to make legality irrelevant, his crimes. Against harder targets, it is a necessary first step(precisely as surveillance is a necessary first step to the exercise of coercive force); but it is deeply insufficient.
I wish I could be more optimistic; but, barring a substantial restructuring of what counts a ‘representative government’, or a potentially messy in risk-tolerance that sees routine violence against spooks and friends (I think that this would be a very bad plan and do not endorse it; but isn’t it odd how, in a country awash in guns and angry patriots who keep and bear arms to resist gummint tyranny, the risk of walking across the NSA’s gigantic open parking lot is still ~0%? Never mind the less dramatic; but also much more dispersed and necessarily less well secured, ‘fusion centers’ and assorted other surveillance apparatus. Given the sort of talk talked, and hardware available, the US is actually amazingly quiet.)
I’m open to suggestions, and I could use some good news these days; but my hopes are tempered until the gulf between ‘speaking truth to power’ and ‘turning truth to power’ is bridged.