The cloud vs humanity: Adobe terminates every software license in Venezuela, keeps Venezuelans' money

Ummm… The only word you need to know is… m0nkrus.


that’s not a ‘repudiation of capitalism’, its capitalism.

Refund their Venezuelan-based customers’ money. Otherwise they’re not just complying with an unjust law, they’re ripping off people living through one of the worst financial crises in modern history.


Surprisingly, some people do. Usually large corporations, or people that only need that specific tool for a short period of time until they finish a specific project. Corporations usually preffer to pay leasing or other form of monthly payments over one-time payment, despite the fact that the later option is usually cheaper for the rest of us.

It is still a shitty, money-grabbing tactic not to offer license purchase alongside with monthly rent that a small percentage of users preffer.

I feel like an opportunity was lost in not titling this “Clouds Against Humanity”


Word. And I use Linux.

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