The downfall of People Magazine: From human-interest powerhouse to SEO farm

Originally published at:


And nothing of value was lost…


WTF is SEO? You should tell us in the article that it is Search Engine Optimization, and not force us (or is it just clueless me) to go searching for it.


and here i was sure it was Synthetic Engine Oil

 Senior Executive Officer
 State Engineer's Office
 Survivability Enhancement Options
 Siemens Exchange Object
 System Engineering Office
 Sports Entertainment Organization
 Secondary Equity Offer
 Super Entity Obstructer
 Stora Enso OYJ, American Depositary Receipts
 Student Employment Office
 Social Engine Optimization
 Sheer Excitement Optimization
 Sponsors for Educational Opportunity
 Special Engineering Order
 Sell Everything Okay
 Subtransfer Earth Orbit
 Search Engine Optimization
 Structural Element Object
 Subscriber End Office
 Synthetic Engine Oil ...

[winky emoji]


People en Espanol has been bad for years. I used to avidly read Readers Digest (yes, I was in my 60’s when I was 20), so my wife wanted to have a magazine she’d enjoy. For some reason, she decided on this one. It was basically a gossipy, Spanish Enquirer. I was pretty glad when she let me lapse the subscription, mainly because there was nothing worth reading anymore.


This is part of a larger trend of creating “content” without using labor. So, instead of employing actual journalists who conduct actual interviews and do research, and also employing fact checkers to make sure you’re not publishing any blatant falsehoods (yes, People has always been into celebrity gossip, but unlike the National Enquirer, they actually used to try to verify everything they published), it’s much cheaper to just publish lists, repost social media posts, and print ads. That requires almost no labor, and once they fully integrate some version of “AI”, they probably won’t have any labor involved. See also television networks going to more and more unscripted reality shows and game shows. Why pay writers and actors and other creatives when you can just use “AI” and amateurs who will provide the content for either exposure or a chance to win some money?


Good analysis… I think this really shows just how little writing as a skill is valued in our society (whatever kind of writing we’re talking about - fiction, non-fiction, journalistic, etc). Good writing takes work, research, etc. It doesn’t just happen.

Again, I make my argument over the need to fund humanities more fully, as it’s a good for society.


It’s very difficult to define an initialism like Surrogate Equine Ovary (SEO) the first time you use it in an article. Who has time for that? It’s not like there is any standard or that it was taught in school. It’s just the Wild Wild West (www) out there.

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I see these people posting after many years and ask myself, was their password “12345”?


Beavis And Butthead Comedy GIF by Paramount+

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What’s more likely is they reused an email + password combo on some other site that got exposed, but that’s a pretty lame punchline.

And signing up as a standpipe for Sinclair. A perfect marriage with an AI “author”.

mel brooks password GIF

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Over the years, they’ve done a lot of good cult articles.

December 10, 2015

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So you’re sayin’ people who need People aren’t the luckiest people in the world???

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