The evolution of America’s seven living generations

Whether I’m a boomer or not varies with who you ask, and what day of the week it is. It’s like nailing jelly to a wall, I have no time for such nonsense.

When there’s a canonical guide to pigeonholing people generationally by birthdate maybe I’ll care, but for now I’m going with the Chinese Horoscope, because the scale doesn’t change whimsically.


Pictish Bull by Terri Smith of WildRavens.Com


I’m a mid to late Xer

I think it is all shared experiences and culture.

Labels will always have their benefits and problems.

I can’t believe I never saw Spacehunter: AitFZ on VHS, not sure if I need to correct that or not.

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I, on the other hand, had Duran Duran posters all over my wall :heart_eyes: It was a big deal when MTV finally came to our area (I visited Salem, Oregon in the summer of 1983 and they already had it, whereas San Diego didn’t get it until several months later). I used to watch MTV for hours and tape my favorite videos.

One thing about MTV: in the beginning, not every band even had a video, so they showed whatever they had, which meant a little bit of everything. I may not have enjoyed (for example) Judas Priest so much at the time, but I got familiar with even the things I didn’t like, and I think it resulted in my having broader musical tastes later on.


Posters on my walls
Oingo Boingo
The Cure
Magic Mountain
boy scout stuff


The fact that I had MTv in back-woods Montana at least a year before my cousin in Sacramento area is still one of the greatest things ever.


Yes. My parents were what is listed as “the silent generation” no clue what that means but they aren’t boomers for sure. My sibling and I are X. I’m not sure who’s more loathsome boomers or millennials. Just kidding boomers easily the most loathsome, whiny hypocritical lot. Most boomers I know actually agree.


Oh yeah!

As usual the brackets they use for the generations are open for debate. Being born in 1960 I was always told it was the last year of the baby boom. I am quite certain that someone born in 1964 would not much identify with the Boomers. Even being born in 1960 I don’t much identify with the Vietnam War protests, Woodstock, the Summer of Love, or the assassinations - being too young at the time. Watergate was during a formative time for me though. On the other end The AIDS crisis hit when I was in my early 20’s and so was definitely in my consciousness. Watched a fair amount of MTV as well, back in the day. So I have a fair amount of GEN X in me as well.

I do have to say that the boomers had the best music though.


Yeah, my sister is '65 and she is definitely more in the genX. I feel like those people that came of age in the late 70’s should have their own segment.


Haven’t watched the video yet (working), but the 2000 Federal Census was the first time respondents were allowed to indicate more than one race on the form.


It’s all a state of mind… I’ve known plenty of people born smack dab in Gen X who would be better described as a boomer…


Well, they did fight in WW2 and kick off the civil rights movement.


We had punk and D&D!


I haven’t at all, but I’ve known many Boomers who would be better described as GenX.

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Yep. I feel like a mid GenXer, even though I’m actually a very late GenXer.

I didn’t have cable growing up, and only got it in high school. Once I got it, all I watched were MTV and independent films.

Who wants to grow out of that stuff? That would be like killing a small part of myself. More accurately, it would feel like i was lying to myself, but I’d feel a big sense of loss too.

I’m about your age, but vividly remember the Cold War, had no computer at home or school, and didn’t have a mobile phone until my early 20s.


Mine are too. The point of the “silent generation” was that they never got a major political voice. We had presidents like Reagan and Bush Sr. from the GI/“Greatest” Generation and then we jumped to Boomers like Clinton/Bush Jr/Obama/Trump.


You are generation Boing

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Woohoo! I’m GenX this week instead of a Millenial! It’s a good week.


I am pretty sure I saw that one in the theater… but remember fuck all of it now. If you like schlocky adventure sci-fi you should have fun with it otherwise you won’t be missing anything.

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