The Great US Adderall Shortage is likely going to last at least for another year

The “take a medicine break on the weekends!” thing is a popular line of advice. Maybe it works for other people but like … do you not do things on the weekend? Even if I’m getting hangover brunch with friends, I don’t want to be zoning out in the middle of the conversation. Or chores around the house? Let alone any freelance writing/music work I’m doing. I got shit do do! Why waste the weekend?


I once said something about how I sometimes had problems remembering to take my meds over the weekend and did it really matter, and my therapist replied “do you not want to be able to think on the weekends? Do you not need to?”

Now, my phone alarm is daily and won’t disappear until and unless I dismiss it…“forever” alarm. I do the same for my afternoon meds (damn high blood pressure)…if I don’t take my meds, my phone will NOT let me forget it. Else I almost certainly WILL forget to take them. LoL


Advise of a psychiatrist: on the weekend, some people need a higher dosage of their stimulant medication because their noradrenaline (aka norepinephrine, aka that one other stress hormone) levels are lower due to the lack of external pressure and stimulus (aka work environment) and their executive function (aka impulse control) is worse than during the week - so don’t go off your meds on the weekend.


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