The hockey-stick from hell: US incarceration per 100,000 people, 1890-today

It’s too early on the west coast for me to add anything of substance. Tho, I will add the sole observation that apathy is functionally indistinguishable from withdrawing in disgust. Those are oft confused but there is an important distinction. The former hide in holes, the latter plot and plan.

Oh, and since the U.S. sold politics to the rich - lock, stock & both smoking barrels- with Citizens United there have been a LOT more people withdrawing.

B.S. stakes it as a primary platform component… not that I’m endorsing him; just hate Citizens United.

…but the hockey stick has more to do with the cocaine powder v crack sentencing disparity from the '86 ADAA than any other single contributor within the various contributions from the venerable War on Drugs. There are still vast numbers of people arrested in the 80’s who are still inside today.

This just reminded me of a report I once read (wish I could remember the name of it so I could cite it - I think this might be it) where it outlined the greatest risks to wealth and IIRC the #1 risk was “one man, one vote” and laid out plans to keep that from getting in the way. It was from a big name brokerage house or investment firm.