I Love this post. I agree that we need more open communication about wages, I think many people would be surprised to know how much some job fields are really paying. There is a TON of false information out there.
American violinist/private teacher here. I’m now a freelancer, building my own business employing only myself so far. I’m proud to say I earn $40/hr for gigs and lessons, and that all of my current customers say I very much deserve it… but I currently only have 7 solid students each week, and gigs are about once every 2 months now. I’m earning just enough to cover my rent and food, but without more students soon I will have to figure out another way to earn money on the side.
I’ve been Appalled to hear several colleagues of mine say that I should be ashamed to charge so much per hour. Several other violinists in the area are working at private lesson studios earning $11-$20/hr, and they have the same or sometimes better credentials than I do. To them, I stuck to my guns and argue “But how many other people do you know with advanced degrees working part-time jobs with no hope of benefits or raises for $11/hr? How is that even going to work??” We could all take retail jobs, for FAR CHEAPER, and a lot less effort.
If you consider how much I’ve paid to earn my $40/hr (for limited hours)… I’ve bought 4 violins as I grew, and I paid for violin lessons for 15 years in addition to my bachelor’s degree and two years of an advanced degree, both from out of state universities. I have membership dues to my teaching association, and thousands of dollars of books, CD’s, and other violin learning materials which I used myself and purchased for my students. Many many thanks for my parents giving me the opportunity to go with my talent and try to make something of myself with it… but I am SICK of people talking to musicians and saying that they are charging too much. There aren’t many other fields that require so many years of expensive training and hours of preparation (sometimes for weeks) before EACH job, and I honestly can’t think of any that pay as little.
To all of those who think that getting up on a stage to play or teaching an 8 year old to play an instrument is easy work, only worth minimum wage, you are the reason there will not be music teachers left, or quality musicians coming into the music business in the next few years. Our costs far exceed those wages. Too many musicians and music industry professionals play the game and shy away from disclosing their expenses, and take jobs that pay nowhere near what they need to live on because of industry pressures. Often if you don’t take a job paying next to nothing, there WILL be someone right behind you that will. I know very well that some students have turned me down because I charge more than some other teachers. But I know I work hard, give good results, and have made big investments into my career so I MUST demand at least this much for my work. It does no one any good for me to charge less and go out of business when I can’t pay my bills.
All the people working music jobs for free or any unpaid internships are destroying opportunities for others to ask for a living wage. Stop cooperating! Value yourself, and your work! …Thanks for reading my rant. =)