The last Americans holding out against same-sex marriage

For lots of fun charts (including “Frequency of feeling wonder about the universe by religious attendance”), check out the Pew’s results:

I never thought Florida was that bad, but this chart is certainly challenging my view of Arizona as the Worst State. They’re not even on the edge, they’re a solid majority in favor!

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A 14 year old girl married a 74 year old man, according to the Frontline data.


Looks at table. So in several stats it it illegal to marry your first cousin, but still legal to have sex with them? That is strange.

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That actually doesn’t strike me as odd at all because the two things fall under different sections of the law. To get married you need a marriage licence, which means there are rules surrounding the licencing process. It’s a low threshold for the government to include a rule when you are the one walking into their office and saying we’d like this service.

But to have a rule against consenting adults consenting to do things with one another in private, that law would probably have to be criminal. I think criminal laws end up having a much higher standard.

I think sex-isn’t-criminal but marriage-isn’t-allowed is society’s way of saying, “We are not okay with this, but we aren’t sending the SWAT team to bust your door down.”


Also don’t look too closely at the family trees in the Harry Potter books.


Yeah, and Voldemort’s family – the Gaunts – show where the Pureblood obsession with bloodlines ends up.

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You say that, but the actual episode of Divorce Court I watched featuring two women was one of the saddest things I’ve ever seen.

(Don’t judge me, it was the default channel for the TV in the building lobby where I ate lunch.)

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I don’t wish them death, but I’d really appreciate them not reproducing.

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Baseball bats are, um, large!

What do you mean “tithe”, it says “tilth”!

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Registrars in Alabama have issued Marriage license for Gay Couple after the Supreme Court decision.
We had a idiot at the State Supreme Court who say that registrars did not have to issue marriage licenses to gay couples. He was removed from office.

Twice now, a idiot in Montgomery, has try to stop gay marriage in Alabama by banning the issuing of Marriage License in the State. Neither time has the bill gotten to the floor for a vote.

So it not as simple as the article implies.


That has to be some awkward genetic counseling. It’s never fun to give people bad news; but having to consider the “Not to sound eerily like some Victorian imperialist who thought that your culture was uneugenic; but, however culturally sanctioned, consanguinity not the best policy from junior’s health outcomes perspective…” issue would not help.

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It definitely wasn’t 50 years behind the times, indeed rather futuristic(if less than entirely successful); but wasn’t Muscle Shoals in Laos?

I’m about to become the president of my mainstream congregation and I’ve supported same sex marriage since - I dunno - 35 years ago? Unfortunately the assholes on TV seem to be viewed as typical when they really aren’t.


During one of our various efforts to legalize same-sex marriage, this one a civil unions bill in 2010, our governor used “you can’t marry your cousin” as an argument while explaining her veto on the radio. A caller pointed out that he absolutely could marry his cousin under our state law, and she had no answer for the egg that left on her face


Contrary to widely held beliefs and longstanding taboos in America, first cousins can have children together without a great risk of birth defects or genetic disease. There is no biological reason to discourage cousins from marrying.
First cousins are only somewhat more likely than unrelated parents to have a child with a serious birth defect, mental retardation or genetic disease, but their increased risk is nowhere near as large as most people think.
Also, we don’t ban people with real genetic abnormalities from marrying. Such as color blindness or hemophilia.


Two states who would bring back slavery and lynching if they could.

With whom she then immediately moved as far the fuck away from Alabama as she could.

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