Yep, the problem with parapsychology is that, if it existed, it would have proven its existence already. At which point, we’d study it to determine HOW it’s working. You’re not going to run around studying “rocks for evidence that they sprout wings and fly,” you’re going to see a rock flying and think “shit, I better figure out the fuck that happened, in case they start falling on people.” We study gravity because we know it exists, we just don’t know how it works yet.
Someone mentioned SETI and the search for alien life on other words. And that’s an interesting point, because we literally have no proof life exists elsewhere at this point in our history. But there ARE some factors that explain why its not entirely a dumb thing to think about and look for:
- our sun is one of many, many stars in the universe
- those stars often contain planets
- and on the only planet we’ve so far been able to examine closely, intelligent life HAS evolved, through mechanisms we understand pretty well now.
Ergo, it’s not a big leap to conclude that other stars, with other worlds, would seem likely to have other forms of intelligent life just as our own does based on all the evidence we have.
Now, please show me someone moving something with their mind. No? How about someone reading someone else’s mind. No? Well surely someone can astral project and walk into that locked room over there and tell me what it contains. No?
Give me ANY evidence that ANY of thus stuff is real, and we’ll be throwing the money at you in bank bags. You’ll be buried in the stuff. We have almost 200 years of research now, research that continues in many places including a few respected universities, and zero to show for it. Nothing that folks claim they can do can be proven, or it turns out to be straight up fraud.
Like I said, I would LOVE for this stuff to be real. One of my favorite books of the last couple of years was Spoonbenders, by Daryl Gregory (seriously, if you like sci-fi and fantasy, and stories about broken families, read it, it’s wonderful0. I grew up in the era when mystical powers were going to be ours at any moment. But wanting it to be real doesn’t make it so, and I know better than to allow desire to replace cold, hard science and the facts. And in the light of cold, hard science… it all goes poof.