The paradox of The Bottle Imp

My dad still has that Classic Comic of “The Bottle Imp”. I remember learning from it what a “centime” is. The concern about buying the bottle for a penny is solved with this knowledge.

I fucking hate it, but as I mentioned, I’m really terrible at it.

Or, if you’re the one who bought it for 1 cent, head over to India. At current exchange rates, $0.01 is about seven rupees.

Enjoyed the story.

I kept expecting someone to try and sell the bottle to the imp itself.

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Wish that the bottle’s conditions didn’t send someone to hell…maybe Philadelphia.

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The moral of the story being that you can’t change reality with logic, no matter how clever.

Logic is sort of like true-statement engineering; it’s how to build a true statement out of a bunch of parts. But logic’s general success at getting the truth were translated into real world engineering, I’d avoid bridges and tall buildings.

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