Let me say this upfront, you’re cool with me. I don’t want you to think I’m critiquing you personally. Only the ideas you bring forward as best I can understand them.
Furthermore, it must be said, I consider this a worthwhile conversation otherwise I’d ignore it and move on.
Let’s define our terms.
Property :
The way I’m coming at this, property needs to be owned, otherwise it is not property. Communal property is owned by some community for the use of members of that community. Could said community destine their property for public use? Yes, because they own it. If it wasn’t owned, a different community could then allow the use of that property for whatever use they want, excluding whoever they want. It would now be owned by community #2.
How is property established? By force.
How is society established? By force.
It sounds nice to say that there exists some social contract to which all parties have agreed and that this is how we got to where we are. But this is not at all how society is put together. It is forced into existence by power, economic, moral and physical.
Just as borders keep people out, they also keep people in.
My assumption, when speaking of society is that it us a thing where random people are thrown together and where they all help each other on some level while they compete in others. They do this not because they agree, but because they are forced to do so.
To opt out of society is not to be free of it. It’s a benefit the society affords you.
I also believe that wanting to opt out of society is a first world problem. The idea that someone will be able to survive while only associating with only a group of like minded people or with no one at all is only possible in a society that will offer some guarantees that allow for this.
Should a person find themselves living in one of the poorest parts of the world, the priority will be survival, society will find a use for this person and shelter him or it will spit him out and he will die. (that society could be a criminal society, it’s still a society)
These are some of the constraints I believe exist when talking about organizing societies on a macro level. My impression is that you don’t consider that forming a society is more than just an agreement between the people that wish to participate, there needs to be a way to enforce those agreements (now power dynamics come in to play) and that there are constraints on what is possible (hence politics)
There must be better ways to organize than what we have, but the ideas that will change the world for the better need to be global, anything possible within today’s society by simply opting out is a regression, and only possible by maintaining things as they are.