Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/10/23/746627.html
This is going to end up like The Monkey’s Paw
At work, can’t watch. Does it mention the paperclip singularity?
It’s not just you.
The script not working as intended on a post about AI working as intended (to a fault) did strike me as amusing. For a second i thought it was on purpose.
So the problem will still be people.
The problem is and was always with people. We suck.
Came to say something similar - e.g. obviously Mark did not ask it nicely enough, to do exactly what he wanted.
What is my purpose?
You pass butter.
In a sense, that will always be true, if only because it never makes sense to assign blame to a part of the system that we can’t, in principle, change
Haven’t seen the video yet but the description sounds like the premise for the massive (book-length, really) treatise on AI in Wait but Why a few years ago
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