"The short skirt that you chose to wear encourages fantasy" — 75-year-old professor's sick email to honors presentation student

I confess, that outfit is causing me to have fantasies… fantasies that my dress sense was that sharp. But seriously dude, WTAF? Surely he’s gotten at least 20 years of pushback on saying things like this, and still he’s not learned better. Although… I could imagine that his students would be fearful of responding to him directly, and might only push back on social media (which would be both a new phenomenon and one he’s likely going to miss). So maybe he hasn’t gotten decades of direct pushback, but it’s still something he should have picked up on.

No doubt he says the same thing to all the fit young men wearing jeans and t-shirts, right? Right? (Not that it would make it better if he did, but at least the harassment would be equitable.)

Yeah, that’s the thing - the very premise of the message is that he’s speaking only for himself…

Any more of this is too much, but also, theoretically, he could be doing this for another 20 years… he wouldn’t be the first 90-something college professor.

Although this guy isn’t. He didn’t grow up with that. On the one hand, you’d expect (hope) that someone younger would be aware this wasn’t acceptable without being told, but also he’s been around long enough that he also should have learned better by now. The kind of misogyny that happens on college campuses has changed over the decades. Still there, but it’s at least no longer common for college professors to tell women students that they shouldn’t be there, but getting married and having children instead, or that as women, they’ll not be able to do the work or understand the ideas…


Am I the only one who fantasizes about ancient professors in tweed?
Seriously, just me?
It’s potentially very distracting.

Although my fantasies, to be honest, involve ancient, tweed-clad professors hanging upside-down over a pit of fire.

Don’t you kink-shame me!


Or corduroy with leather elbow patches. (They must be leather.) /s


Seriously, man, in a thread about a young woman being sexualized by an old fart, this is not in great taste.


Can we keep Islamaphobia out of this thread, please?

I See You No GIF by Teddy Too Big


Not islamaphobic all.

Burkas are designed to hide a female body to keep men from temptation. Fact.

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Burkas are based on the idea that if a man objectifies or sexualizes a woman, it is the woman’s fault for not being sufficiently modest. The same as can be seen in a lot of Christian sects that insist on women being “plain” or requiring modesty as designated by some prurient old fart, like this prof. I don’t care if a woman wears a burka or a bikini, if she does it because that is what she wants to do. The issue for me becomes when men feel free to dictate to women what they may or may not wear in public. Again, like this ancient prof. (Who is only a few years older than me, but far more ancient)


I know this.

I am not islamaphobic and I do not appreciate being called one.

Carry on.


Where is my puke emoji? Need to wash my eyes reading that POS email.

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You’re kinda off topic, though; and acting as though the Muslim religion is the only (or even the most prevalent) example of overt hatred of women is rather… naïve at best.

Christianity and Judaism, along with most present day institutions of power are also deeply rooted in straight, (usually) White male dominance.


Then don’t use islamaphobic dogwhistles? Bringing up burkas in a topic that has nothing to do with them is straight out of the bigots playbook. If you don’t want to be lumped in with them, don’t act like them.


You comment is pretty much what i were getting at :roll_eyes: Don’t call me islamophobic please.

You will have to point out where I said that, because I did not, thank you very much.


Let me know where in my comment i am denigrating Islam

Idea Volunteer GIF

I’m the one who called out the behavior as Islamaphobic (not the posters, it should be noted.) And it is, in fact. If people don’t want to have that called out, don’t parrot islamaphobic talking points in an unrelated topic.

If @Akimbo_NOT and @Grey_Devil were unaware of this common trope, then I suggest use of the edit button. It’s right at the bottom of their posts.


You fail at the first point. I never said you did. If you disagree with my description of the function of burkas, we can discuss. Otherwise, this is off topic and pointless.


I see nothing Islamophobic in this sentence.
@Grey_Devil is clearly having a pop at the dirty old prof in the original topic.

Please don’t let this be another bunfight over a clear misunderstanding.

Over and out, see you tomorrow.
Love you all.


I don’t think you are.

I think that repeating a criticism that is itself rooted in religious prejudice is counterproductive, (as well as an inadvertent microaggression.)

That said, this really is getting off topic.


But he isn’t a sportsball teacher! They only hire the sports despite not having pitches and stuff.

This is bizarre to me as, weirdly enough, I actually know New College from the 90s, a mate went there and I visited (I do recall my opinion of Florida cops was formed after meeting one when I was on acid) and it being a hotbed of radical far right Sturmabteilung activity is…. bizarre.


What are the chances that this 75 year old professor will face any actual negative consequences behind his thoughtless remarks?