The weird phenomenon of Terminal Lucidity


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beats silent lucidity


When my wife worked as a nurse, she’d describe how they knew someone was about to pass when they suddenly became lucid. Very odd stuff.


Why do I have this weird feeling that this is an argument for consciousness beyond the Spirit’s attachment to the physical form? Not that I need it, as I have experiences with the numinous that would imply the same, and that has been enough for confirmation to not be a primary concern. The human mind still doesn’t understand the human mind, effectively.

Near Death Experiences serves up an interesting encyclopedia of reports. The personal experiences which are reported here I have found fascinating, except for the occasional troll or bs’er.


I get the impression this paper is an exercise in confirmation bias. What about the great preponderance of cases where terminal lucidity doesn’t occur? What is the point of this post?

Okay. I’ll bite. What is “confirmation bias”? Is that a thing?

“Only now, at the end, do you understand…”


Confirmation bias is a delusional state chiefly marked by the inability to use a search engine. However I believe they removed it from the latest revision of the DSM.


Not to mention Regression to the mean… fluctuations in the direction of less lucidity aren’t going to be noticed.
Evidently the original author who sought out the anecdotes is a paranormal enthusiast who believes in “near-death/out-of-body experiences, telepathic impressions” and such as.
Filtered through some airhead at Sci-Am who wraps the tale with his own self-delusive anecdote about an aunt who was “too weak to talk but her eyes communicated all”. Yeah right. Cue the theremin music.

I have warned my family that if I suddenly start making any sense, it could be a sign of impending death.


Okay I’ll bite. What is “DSM”?


Yawn. I find it weird this anger people seem to have about this apparent insult to their rational position. It seems it is an experientially based area, where those who have experienced something more than the apparent “We’re born, we live, we die” paradigm, have simply experienced it, and those who haven’t get angry at the seeming irrationality of that.

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Of 49 case studies of terminal lucidity… the vast majority… occurred within a week of death…

Wouldn’t that pretty much be the definition of “terminal?”


damn you


In that illustration, the taco is located at nearly the exact center of the picture.

Full mental clarity will do that for you…


While I live my life based on scientific observed repeatable laws of nature I am very open to and very much enjoy stoner type chats on alternate explanations for observable reality VR, NPC inside some sort of entertainment medium, intelligent design, a memory or imagining inside a greater mind, etc. Effing sci-fi as a kid, makes me look for clues to a more interesting world in the great one we already have.
As a paramedic for over a decade I have seen multiple cases of nicotine induced lucidity in catatonic people we were picking up for non-emergency transport out of the VA hospital but never terminal lucidity.


The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders is a funded research program run by and for the advantage of drug companies who make a massive profit and engage in corrupt practices annually to meet financial targets. Sure, some results work, but effectively this has no bearing on this subject, as it comes outside of their remit other than within substrata where things like NDE’s and OOBE’s might come within the medical mainstream’s remit.

Having experienced some very weird stuff while these experiences were directly involved with hospital observation, I can confirm I have met medical professionals who have an open mind about such things. But obviously, working in that field you have to maintain a professional and rational attitude and anything else would be negligent. Of course.

That’s just your reality!

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Yes. That is correct.