The world's largest occult library has a public online archive

To be fair Cthulhu would be an improvement of the current situation.


Or of course opaque because it’s bollocks.

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Yes, spellbooks are one of the types of books that can work like that. It can be helpful to think of them as religious, practical, and sometimes political texts, written to be intentionally obscure (setting aside the way less interesting pure bullshit). My favorite example of this is Principe’s work decoding alchemical texts.

Lots of it is that, but that is the least interesting material. But even the pure bullshit is a relic of a group of people operating on the fringes of their society, and frequently operating in one of the less studied segments of society.What they chose to lie about, and the methods they chose to tell those lies tell us a lot about what a society values and some of the unwritten rules that may not show up if we only study the history of respectable professions.

Wouldn’t it be the Vatican?

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Last I heard there was still a Shoggoth in the Oval Office


You gaddamn Magi, you.

looks like i’m stitching screenshots together all day. :frowning:

any luck? i’ve noticed that the zoomed in images are a series of stitched together square images hosted on…i think.

Sorry, but the Necromomicon is a whole other book.

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