This bike lock might be hard enough to remove to be effective

Just don’t attach it here

It looks a decent lock, dimensions mean that a thief would struggle to fit in a jack without damaging the bike.

I think the suggested equation is 10% of the value of your bike, so this is e-bikes and high-end cycles.

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Oh for sure- didn’t mean to suggest it’s not an effective lock because there might possibly be some tool that can cut it. It was just technical curiosity on my part.


This brought back memories of college, mostly bad ones, when I’d buy cheap bikes to get around. I only had one last the entire year- cherry red, more of a beach boardwalk bike than a ten-speed, but perfect to tool around campus in. It had a basket, too. I’d get mocked by some because it stood out, but it was comfortable as all hell, and I enjoyed riding around campus in it. I didn’t care.

That was 30 years ago. I still miss that bike.

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Plus the value of all the uber rides you’ll have take until you replace your bike…


Another kickstater wonderful product…

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