Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2018/12/27/this-brown-leaf-is-actually-a.html
Wow, that’s impressive.
Probably would never happen, but I can see some distopia where urban creatures disguise themselves to look like ordinary trash… McDonalds cups and candy wrappers.
How Not to Be Seen, Mimesis Edition:
“… that turtle could be a rock
in disguise, fooling everyone.”
(“Turtle Song” Hugo Largo)
I may have raked up several thousand of these yesterday without even knowing it.
You win this time, Kallima inachus.
There have been stories about mimicry like this, by such notables as Stephen King and Clive Barker…
Of course, generally the mimic wants tasty human beans for dinner.
This brown leaf is actually a butterfly
“WTF! DAMN!!!” says everything that eats butterflies.
aaaand theres also Uropyia meticulodina, mentioned by rob 24 days ago…
His friends call him Russell.
Didn’t you hear them? They were saying, “Leaf me alone!”
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