This cartoon accurately depicts the frustrations of being a Helldiver

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The game looks fun, but I am on a PS4 still and so I can’t play it.

My laptop i don’t think could handle the graphics.

I remember playing the first one, which was an isometric type view, and it was fun.

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My ~2017/2018 vintage workstation technically meets the minimum specs; Realistically, I’d have to update the video card and main storage.

A couple friends of mine stream it, and it’s hilarious to watch.

MANAGED DEMOCRACY! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


I’ve been playing it, mostly solo but sometimes with friends, and it’s been a blast (figurative and literally). I’ve really enjoyed it but the bumps in difficulty can be really extreme at times. Also the youtube videos are 100% accurate to the experience of playing

The worst part of the game to me is when you get caught in a loop of landing in the middle of a bug swarm and dying over and over.

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I had that happen yesterday, i got mobbed maybe 3 times before i managed to make an escape far enough to call down my Stalwart machine gun and some bombing runs. This was doing a solo difficult 4 mission mind you, it was kicking my ass and i made it to the end, the drop ship is like 10 seconds away from landing… and my internet disconnected so the mission automatically ended. I was livid after making it so far and almost finishing.

they need to offer people the Samples and Warbonds credit for those. I also have suffered the same end.

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There were complaints that it was not a good plane.

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