This one U.S. hotspot produces the largest concentration of the greenhouse gas methane


What’s interesting about that global picture is the high amounts being generated in the remote parts of Russia and Mongolia. I wonder why that is?

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I often ask people to Google-Earth over to “Odessa, TX”.

Look, and weep.

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The methane clathrates melting under the Siberian permafrost escaping into the atmosphere. Some of it has escaped in explosive bursts, leaving craters, while plenty more is simply seeping out from the soil.


Holy crap. It’s like the Earth has an outbreak of blackheads.

I’m sure it’s just an artefact. Electric charge concentrating at pointy bits on the map. Something like that.

Yeah, that must make for a lovely local environment.

Yeah it’s a real vicious cycle. Planet heats, melting the ice, newly exposed tundra releases methane adds to the heating. We’re all fuct

I Blame Pootin!

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