To find Hillary Clinton likable, we must learn to view women complexly

Not so much directed at Hillary as it was a response to your post which seemed to be saying “well, you should consider her past record, that’s true, but look at her GREAT 2016 platform!!”

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And why was that? Why did the Democrats practically fall all over themselves trying to clear the way for HRC to waltz to the nomination??


That’s my problem with a piece like this; it implies, with a heavy hand, that if I don’t really relish Hillary Clinton being President, it’s because I have a hangup about women. There seem to be loads of people who can’t separate Hillary Clinton’s gender from her policies; having said that, there’s no way I’m going to let guilt over sexism in Western society sway me into liking her. I may be a guy, but it feels patronizing as fuck.

And face it, fellow Boing Boing readers; you frame your feelings about Donald Trump over whether you like him or not. Look at his supporters who like him because “he tells it like it is” and “he’s not PC”. (For the record, I don’t, and will be going for the P. J. O’Rourke “devil you know” reasoning for voting for Clinton.)

I mean, look at Sarah Palin. She was hit with personal attack after personal attack, a lot of it really shitty misogynist bullshit. Does that mean that we needed to support John McCain in 2008? That was, I think, the cynical reason she was picked as a running mate…

BTW, what’s everyone’s take on everyone calling her “Hillary” instead of “Clinton” or “Mrs. Clinton” or anything else like that? No serious coverage refers to Donald Trump as “Donald” or “The Donald”.


Angela Merkel? Well, 2.5/3 ain’t bad.


All that nuance boils down to is that she hasn’t been as anti-gay as she could have been. A cookie for her, I guess, but not something I’m looking for in a “liberal” candidate.

She opposed a federal ban on gay marriage, which is good. Well, maybe not good, just minimally decent. Certainly not “I’m Donald Trump I’ll just crap over everybody just because I can” bad.

I always thought the idea of opposing gay marriage in favor of civil unions was pandering at best, homophobic at worst. She was doing that as late as 2007 and only came out in favor of gay marriage in 2013. Bandwagon jumping if I ever saw it. She, like Obama, will only come out in support of real progressive issues when it’s safe to do so.

She won’t do anything to take away anyone’s rights, which again I suppose is not bad. I don’t want to have to settle for not bad.


Clinton is leading by about 2% as of this post, or by 1% if third parties are factored in.

This is a statistical dead heat, but not the Trump blowout you’re suggesting. Either way, she should be crushing this guy.


There were 6 candidates. How many did you want? Other than Elizabeth Warren, was there anyone who might have run and had a chance of winning who didn’t?

I don’t like it, so I don’t do it. I’ve tried to stick to surnames for everyone.


And horrible not just for the “bleed” angle, and THIS is the thing that makes me most crazy about anyone supporting, or even considering trump as a potential: if you’re white, you’re okay. He’s not screaming about you taking jobs or raping/murdering/thieving, and he’s certainly not upset about white people encouraging raping/murdering/thieving against people of color.

My white friends I’ve spoken with about this tend to focus on the economic impact he might have, or that he has no experience, whereas my melanin-rich friends worry about whether they’ll be deported, harassed, or simply beaten up in the streets.

No. No we do not. My battery is almost dead, so I’ll just second everything HST had to say about that person. And I’m a little glad HST didn’t have to see this contest–he’d of offed himself again, probably.


Perhaps. And then again, perhaps not. There is a definite suggestion that we ought to find Hillary likable and that the reason we don’t is that we do not view women complexly. So @Donna_Rogers has a definite point.

But more to the point, in fact, is that there’s absolutely tons and tons of stuff that says that we must like Hillary and that, if you are a woman, it is mandatory on pain of hell, as Albright was so kind to spell out.

So, yes, @Donna_Rogers absolutely has a point.


A great deal of the comments make it clear to me that the write-up didn’t get read-up.


I suspect the Cow will vote for HRC. He was a very vocal critic here of people who voted for Nader or who said there was little difference between Obama and Bush (the way people are now saying there’s no difference between Clinton and Trump). While a passionate supporter of Sanders, he also understands the long game, and part of the long game is fighting hard to avoid loss even if the best you can hope for is incremental gains.


I use “combover boy” all the time and no one ever has asked me “who do you mean by that?”

So I figure that using “Hillary” is giving her the best of it as far as I’m concerned.


The Unrelenting Pundit-Led Effort to Delegitimize All Negative Reporting About Hillary Clinton by Glenn Greenwald.

Sonali Kolhatkar has also stated the same thing.
If Clinton loses this election, it will not be because Americans are dumb, racist misogynists who would cut off their noses to spite their faces in refusing to elect a sane woman over an insane man. It will not be because too many Americans “selfishly” voted for a third party or didn’t vote at all. It will be because Clinton refused to compromise her allegiance to Wall Street and the morally bankrupt center-right establishment positions of her party and chose not to win over voters. This election is hers to lose, and if this nation ends up with President Trump, it will be most of all the fault of Clinton and the Democratic Party that backs her.

Which is roughly what I wanted to say when I predicted a few weeks ago that Trump was going to win.


[quote=“chenille, post:117, topic:85424”]
You should really be explaining that to nemomen, since earlier he talked about “pulling a Nader” and swinging the election the wrong way. And, of course, that must be pure speculation on his part, because there’s no way to even know if anyone voted for Nader in the first place. The ballot is secret.

But sure, running a public protest is liable to have a bit more effect than lodging a protest vote, on a good day. [/quote]

“A bit” means “everything” in this case. Voting is for determining policy, not for protesting.

It goes for Nader-pulling voters, too. This is just good sense: hold a protest in your apartment where no one else can see, or in more visible ways which offer the opportunity for a conversation—which do you suppose actually will at least have some potential impact?

It’s also a shame we can’t use a laptop for breaking concrete, but here we are.

Won’t stop plenty of people from trying, of course.

Great article.

Since I am voting for a woman, I’m not paying a whole lot of attention to anyone who tells me I am a misogynist for not voting for Hillary,


PLEASE NOTE: The below was not said by @anon67050589. By some glitch it was falsely attributed to them. I would have altered it fully, but wanted to preserve the record of what happened.

It’s absolutely bigotry. Unless, the state only recognizes civil unions and leaves ‘marriage’ to be a private affair, in which case it is respectable. But to allow certain people to marry and others to enjoy I Can’t Believe It’s Not Marriage™ is rankest bigotry.

Personally, I don’t think she’s anti-gay. I just don’t think she gives a damn apart from how they may be used to further her interests. Hillary, in fact, is a consummate and highly accomplished professional politician.

This is not a compliment.


Don’t you know that only communists vote third party, citizen? The exercise of democratic rights outside a election of one democrat and one republican is an abomination unto the Lord, and will sap and impurify the precious bodily fluids of the American body politic.



I wish I had a buck for every time I heard a conservative say, “My position on gay marriage is exactly the same as Hillary’s was until she figured it was good PR to change her mind” or the equivalent.

That’s a hard argument to counter.


Because there’s another famous Clinton. I guess we’re lucky this dynasty-lite has different first names.


Egad, I fear you are right. I shall hie myself to a re-education center forthwith.