Originally published at: Today is Friday, March 670th, 2020. | Boing Boing
My household was doing a Star Trek Voyager rewatch and we watched on aptly named episode, Year of Hell. It contained this exchange.
CHAKOTAY: Happy birthday.
JANEWAY: Happy what?
CHAKOTAY: Today is May twentieth.
JANEWAY: Is it? I thought we were still in April. Guess I’ve lost track of the time.
Do they still have phone time lines? When I was a kid you could dial (remember dials?) 114 and you’d hear a recording of a female voice saying “The time is now…” A tape recording, I presume. Gahan Wilson did a cartoon showing an ancient phone operator at a cobweb-covered switchboard saying “The time is now 6:01. The time is now 6:02…” (Couldn’t find the cartoon online, so the details may be wrong.)
This is my go to dial up number for accurate time.
" To hear these broadcasts, dial (303) 499-7111 for WWV (Male, Colorado),
and (808) 335-4363 for WWVH (Female, Hawaii)."
AudiChron demonstrated.
So how many days will March 2020 have? Do we get over a 1000?
It’s been done. Brilliant story by Marcel Aymé, Le Décret.
Le Décret on Wiki (en francais)
Hm - Seems to me their resumé refers to a different story. The story I remember - and have in front of me - has the government decreeing that unproductive persons will have fewer days in the month. This naturally creates a black market in Days. The story mimics diary entries, drifting into 67th of March, etc. People disappear when their allotted time expires, to reappear on the first of the next month. This gives rise to parties where everyone disappears, their clothes fall to the floor, and you can imagine the rest. The author is fairly sanguine about all this, until he discovers his lover has been gathering more black-market days than him, and using them to play elsewhere. Eventually the decree is cancelled, and he’s fine with that.
I think the limit is 5000, then we have to start a new thread.
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