Originally published at: Topological bowls | Boing Boing
[“topological” vs “topographical” complaint content goes here]
I’d like a Walden puddle one.
Lol, when I read the headline my first thought was “That’s going to take a lot of milk to fill it!”
I mean, they’re also topological. Like every object.
Every object is also topographical. Maybe all descriptors are useless.
I want one modeled after the Lake of the Ozarks, so I can pretend my corn flakes are COVIDiots, and drown them during their lake party.
That’d be one hella breakfast.
I have a topological bowl. Or maybe it’s a plate. I can’t tell.
Isn’t this a topological bowl?
And this?
Yup, that’s the one.
I would fill the bowl with water then float a tiny survey ship on it. If anyone asks, I would explain what the ship is doing.
Boing Boing, your Portland fixation is showing this week.
Signed, a happy Portlander
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