Tour of a cool 300 square foot apartment in Melbourne

Look at the paragraph just above the line you quoted, where I said: “I also understand that I am in the minority, and that is WHY city living is popular and expensive.”

I get that most people disagree with me… And, to quote the opening line of my post that you quoted, “power to you.”

I still dont understand, and I’m sorry that so many people got their feelings hurt.

I’m fairly reclusive, fairly introverted, and grew up on a farm. It is what I know and what I enjoy.

Animals and wide open countrysides make me happy. People, not so much.

And the fact that less than 10% of my income is spent on housing and utilities is pretty awesome, too.

Thank you for that.

I’m looking at the question you originally asked, followed by your ignoring all the answers offered in good faith that followed. That goes to your intent.

That’s a non-apology. We’re very familiar around here with “I’m sorry you feel that way”.

Let me make this clear: there’s no special virtue to be signalled from choosing to live in the country vs. the city or vice-versa. And with that I’m done with this conversation.


No one’s “feelings” are hurt; it’s simply that your lack of understanding is not only off topic, it’s not really important to anyone here but yourself.

Continuing to attempt to derail the thread because you don’t understand the preferences of others comes off as little better than mere virtue signaling.


Any time.


I don’t understand what you mean.


It’s been said that the same question (in one form or another) has also come up in regard to homes designed by Frank Lloyd Wright.


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