Traffic cone collecting machine

Someone should start up a cones hotline you can call to report them.


If politics are anything like they are over here, you have a powerful cone lobby in your country.

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The true definition of laziness is doing more work than necessary to accomplish a simple task

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Your road dollars paid for that, America.

America’s tax dollars are paying for machines to pick up cones from roads in the UK now? Do we not have enough of our own or something?


That looks and sounds like it’s wearing the hell out of the top of the cones as they’re pushed across the asphalt prior to lifting.

Wait, there are…other countries!?


Blame the Cone Picking Industrial Complex and the “special relationship”.


I was going to post a video of those machines, because they really bring out the kid in me: oooh, aaah, cool!

Now I can just look at your link, instead. :wink:

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Today, cones locally are picked up by a guy sitting in a chair bolted to the back of a truck, where he leans out into the traffic lane to pick up the cone, and hands it to a mate standing in the truck bed.

Overall, the robotic picker’s truck makes the same amount of noise that the regular truck makes. Both trucks drive at about the same speed. There isn’t a fragile human hanging exposed and vulnerable to every cell-phone distracted driver on the highways. And while it may be sad to spend ten year’s salary of two workers [citation needed] to buy a robotic cone stacker, you spend that money once, and the stacker outlasts them.


Our rode dollars paid for your asses in WW2, so how is my comment irrelevant?

We still do pay for your royal ass, so, Next?

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It’s cool, but it only goes once a week or so.

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