Not sure how this is “PuTtiNG OUr LiVes ON tHe LiNE” unless the guy was using a steamroller or APC as a wheelchair.
Ammosexual cowards, every one of them.
Not sure how this is “PuTtiNG OUr LiVes ON tHe LiNE” unless the guy was using a steamroller or APC as a wheelchair.
Ammosexual cowards, every one of them.
Richards immediately fell out of his chair as Remington rushed toward him and handcuffed the man, who remained crumpled on the ground.
Because of course he did. (Emphasis added.)
His attorney, Mike Storie,said in a statement that Remington “had no nonlethal options."
"He did have a Taser, but in his mind, he couldn’t use it because he didn’t feel he had the proper spread to deploy it, with the wheelchair between him and Richards,” Storie said.
So instead, pump 9 rounds into him. WAT.
Not even if it was this guy.
Rapid unload then he realizes there’s another shot and shoots him again?? For good measure? Fucking psychos. Fucking cops.
I presume they’re equipped with nightsticks. Whacking a person brandishing a knife across the knuckles will certainly disarm them. Failing that, there would have been plenty of advertising placard stands or other items that he could have used to fend off a wheelchair-bound ‘attacker’.
Would speculating “one who was hoping to get the opportunity” be too uncharitable of me?
Yes, and UK cops don’t want to carry guns, because carrying guns would make them less, not more, safe…
The only Lethal Weapon movie that is any good, in my view is Lethal Weapon 6, the one that Mac And Dennis made on It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia.
Except the sex scene. Do not watch the sex scene.
Or perhaps even walk up to the victim, slow as you like, and grab the handle of the wheelchair, immobilizing it.
Or take the nightstick and stick it through the spokes.
Or a myriad other strategies that won’t get you on the cover of “Soldier of Fortune”
It would be fairly easy, even if your suspect is wielding a knife. One person grabs the knife arm, while the other person turns the wheelchair off.
Even if he didn’t have a nightstick(or, more plausibly, a telescopic baton in tacticoolest hard-anodized black); we know he had a tazer; and those only require ‘the proper spread to deploy it’ if you want to use the ranged gas-propelled-electrode-barbs mode. The “press electrodes into target; pull trigger” mode works as long as the battery still has some charge left.
How many shopping carts does a Lowe’s have? Plenty.
Got a link to the footage?
(OIS - November 29th, 2021 - YouTube) - via the Tucson Police youtube page.
His lawyer claimed “his client’s close proximity to Richards did not allow the officer to safely deploy his taser.”
Never mind the fact that the pig was the one who was advancing on the victim, who had his back turned and was moving away from him.
Why the handcuffs? Didn’t he know what happens to people after they’ve been shot nine times?
How long until a TPOA arbitrator reinstates him?
Motto from This Old House Police Station: “Aim twice, shoot once.”