Tumblr, toxicity, memes, and dada

I’m on Tumblr for entertainment so I’m mostly following younger fans and creators which means I see this interesting mix of incredible creativity, great support for progressive ideals, and incredibly toxic perversion of social justice terminology in the great internet “gotcha” game.

At it’s best you get collaborative fiction like Stabby the Space Roomba (http://jumpingjacktrash.tumblr.com/post/154497837699/dearthoughthenightisgone-petralemaitre/embed) which started out as an idle thought a couple months ago. Following that you then get stuff like Stabby the Space Roomba/Star Wars fanfic (http://gallusrostromegalus.tumblr.com/post/156094971683/the-last-hair-bender-copperbadge-peradii/embed) which just came into being a couple days ago.

At its worst you get people with no sense of scale calling for the doxing of a ten-year-old kid because they tried on a kimono at a Japanese heritage festival.