Turn on your data for one minute, AT&T sticks you with a $750 international roaming charge

There definitely isn’t a way to do it completely. At best, all you can do is turn off automatic app updates, turn off account sync, turn off push notifications on any apps that have it, and so on and so on. It’s a huge pain in the ass, which is why unless I absolutely HAVE to, I never bother using mobile roaming.

Part of the problem seems to be Google (and Apple) wanting people to use the net in an unthinking, always connected way irrespective of mobile data costs, and to push them into using their cloud services rather than using the phone’s storage. The Google Nexus phones now mirror Apple in having no SD cards, and Android has now made it impossible for apps to share read/write access to folders on SD cards. All of which makes it more difficult to simply transfer files via USB or SD card, forcing more unwilling use of the cloud… :-p

To be fair, all of this push for cloud services is helping to (slowly, VERY SLOWLY) push down costs for mobile bandwidth. The same way that Netflix’s increasing popularity is pushing down the costs of bandwidth on home internet connections (many ISPs up here in Canada are starting to finally offer unlimited monthly bandwidth with no download caps, over the last year or so, after many many years of draconian, arbitrary, and scandalously low limits).

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