Turtle vs puppy in epic battle

Well, it would be fun to watch this video, but Privacy Badger and NoScript are showing an ungodly number of sites that want to know what I’m up to before even the player is displayed, so too bad for me.


Yeah, I’m surprised at the number of boingers who are failing the Voight-Kampff test on this post.


I was hoping the turtle would pull out a little gun


5 minutes later, still pulling out his gun…


Srsly, look at the crap I have to allow to watch this video:


Thank you, you’ve been a lovely audience, I’ll be here all week, don’t forget to tip your waitress, and try the Giant Tortoise.

It’s a test, designed to provoke an emotional response… Shall we continue?
Describe in single words only the good things that come into your mind about… your mother.


Here, a much less stressful video of a puppy doing battle with a robot:


You know, if the tortoise really felt threatened it has a solution. I think those animals know and trust each other and this is play for them. Animals do that. Especially those with their basic needs taken care of.

Can’t tell you the number of tutrles/tortoises that I’ve seen with chewed off legs, heads, significant bits of plastron/carapace because people thought it’d be ok to have a dog housed in the same area as a chelonian…

Even nice dogs get bored and can cause significant damage.

The more predatory dogs tend to see them as reserve food sources when they’re bored/hungry.


except even small dogs can chew through a turtle/tortoise shell…


You simply don’t do this if you love and respect your pet. Some people should have robots instead of pets, they can let them do “epic fights” all day long.

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It’s a Tortoise but yeah I agree. Stupid Boing Boing for elevating idiocy!

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The tortoise might be getting a torticollis from all this torture. It should file a tort.

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