U.S. West bracing for "blowtorch-like" heatwave. Death Valley could reach 129 F

Given the reliability of the Texas[-only] grid, my partner and I have started our serious-minded search for a reliable, robust dual-fuel generator in the 3000 watt range.

We already agreed we need a transfer switch wired in to our side of the main breaker.

The heat’s bad enough that our 14 year old dog is unlikely to live through an outage of more than a few hours. We can only walk him morning or evening, the way he’s handling outdoor temperatures now.

If anyone wants to discuss their experience or share their knowledge about home-scale electrical generators, I’ll be putting up a new topic on this new research project in “general” in 5, 4, 3, 2…



Neal Stephenson's got a new book coming... with a climate change plot: