UK cops beat phone encryption by "mugging" suspect after he unlocked his phone

I’m not sure what’s much different here than tazing the guy and putting his thumb on the home button? Seems like semantics at this point.

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A phone that locks down when it’s a certain distance from an implanted RFID chip.

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This should be trivial for Apple to implement for Apple watch owners. They’ve already got unlock upon opening the computer down pat between the two devices. Why not a: “Help, someone snagged my phone!” mode for the paired apple watch? Push the button, phone locks down, makes obnoxious loud siren sounds.

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Not sure of where Scotland comes in here (“Scotland Yard”?), this happened in London, England which is definitely more equivalent to Chicago than Scotland.

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Yes, I apparently straight up misread the first sentence. With regards to London vs. Chicago, I haven’t seen any exposés on the black sites that London cops use to disappear and torture people, but it’s not like I’d be surprised.


The Brits are just better at keeping everything secret :slight_smile: (source: James Bond movies, Spooks…)

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Considering that the UK loves kettling protesters, have heavy handed anti-photography policies, stop & frisk, etc. i would not be surprised if they had black sites as well.


James Bond can’t even keep his own name secret!


What? You’re telling me habitually drunk self-important people have a hard time not saying, “DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?!”


Does that actually happen in UK? They don’t have the standard police violence exemption?

“Oh, we weren’t assaulting him, he was resisting arrest!”
“What were you arresting him for?”
“Resisting arrest!”
“Oh, ok. In that case you could’ve beat him some more if you’d wanted to.”


At least on an Android device, and I assume on an iPhone, there are certain actions you can take without entering a password, such as answering a call.

So if someone called me and I picked up and started talking, and Scotland Yard swiped my phone, they wouldn’t get anywhere because they hadn’t entered the password yet. Exiting the call screen would return them to the lock screen.

Phones should definitely extend this to allow you to customize the location of the boundary. It would be a simple change to allow you to make phone calls as well without having to enter the password. Or have different passwords for different functions.


That’s why he has the secret code name 007. Whoops, I let the cat out of the bag!


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